
Showing posts from 2018

Meetup on Future Research Challenges in Energy Informatics

18 - 19 April 2018 @ University of Klagenfurt, Austria Find further information here . Objective This two-day event aims to bring together researchers that are working on the topic of energy informatics in academia.  The focus of this meetup will be on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) . Other relevant subtopics of energy informatics such as data analytics, energy management systems, or artificial intelligence in Smart Microgrids are warmly welcome. Within a small group, participants will present their latest findings, share experiences, discuss current issues, and discover possible ways of future cooperation and collaboration.  Researchers interested in joining are asked to apply with a talk title and abstract. Application deadline is March 19th . A committee will decide upon acceptance till March 22nd . Apply now Remarks The organisers would like to highlight that the University of Klagenfurt cannot provide any funding for expenses such...